Foundation Project for the article on the application and construction quality were discussed. 文章就钻孔灌注桩施工技术的应用及施工质量进行了探讨。
Causes Analysis and Prevention Study on Construction Quality Accidents 建筑工程质量事故的原因分析与预防研究
The construction quality of handling frame is controlled so that the good effect is gained, which can assure the safety of grid structure. 同时对操作架的质量进行控制,取得了良好的施工效果,确保了网架工程的结构安全。
Study on the System of Cement Concrete Pavement and Base Course Construction Quality Control 公路水泥混凝土面层及基层施工质量控制系统研究
Construction quality, speed and safety are supervised by monitored company. 由监利公司监督施工质量、施工进度和施工安全。
The application of PDA in construction quality inspection and schedule management work of railway engineering PDA在铁路工程质量检查与进度管理中的应用
Empirical Study on the Management of Building Construction Quality Cost 建筑施工项目质量成本管理的实证研究
Cloth paving machine can decrease labors and improve construction quality. 铺布机的使用降低了工人的劳动量,提高了施工质量。
The construction quality is assured by means of safety and environmental protection measures. 通过采用安全措施和环保措施,保证了施工质量。
Research on the Mechanism of Risk-sharing in Construction Quality Insurance System in China 我国工程质量保证保险风险分担机制研究
Based on the development and practice of construction supervision system in our country, the article studies as how to strengthen construction quality control by construction supervision. 文章结合我国工程建设监理制的发展与实践,对工程建设监理中加强施工质量控制进行了探讨和研究。
However, construction quality, this is one of the focuses of consumer complaints. 但是,建筑工程质量一直是消费者投诉的热点之一。
Specialized processing equipment and experienced personnel to ensure the construction quality of our products. 专业的加工设备和经验丰富的加工施工人员保证了我们产品的质量。
On controlling of construction quality of supervision to steel structure project 浅析监理对钢结构工程施工质量的控制
On the government's construction quality supervision and management of development 论我国政府建设工程质量监督管理的发展
Performance evaluation system of construction quality management 施工质量管理绩效评估体系构建的研究
Construction quality: we'll work following the National and Beijing decoration project standard. 施工质量:严格按照国家和北京市装饰工程质量验收标准要求进行施工。
The double-decked paving technology can overcome above shortcomings and improve the pavement construction quality. 沥青路面双层摊铺技术可以克服以上缺点,提高沥青路面施工质量。
Based on the engineering project, construction quality control measures of post covering steel sheet are explored in detail. 介绍了核岛厂房后贴钢覆面施工概况,并依据工程实践,详细阐述后贴钢覆面施工监理过程的质量控制措施。
Research on Dynamic Management for Asphalt Pavement Construction Quality 沥青路面施工质量动态管理系统研究
After treatment was carried out to the construction quality, and the safety instruments were arranged, which has achieved a good result. 裂缝处理后,对施工质量进行了检测,布置了安全监测仪器,监测说明取得了良好效果。
This paper states some problems in static pressure tube pile construction according to engineering practice and accident analysis of construction quality supervision. 根据静压管桩施工质量监督的工程实践及事故分析调查,阐述了静压管桩施工中应注意的几个问题。
Discussion on "Unified acceptation standard of engineering construction quality" 对《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》有关问题的探讨
Discussion on the construction quality detection and controlling technology of railway subgrade in China 浅析我国铁路路基施工质量检测与控制技术
Asphalt Concrete Pavement damage to a large extent, the early compaction and construction quality. 沥青混凝土路面的早期损坏很大程度与施工压实质量有关。
King Qi has achieved remarkable progresses in construction quality, safety production, civilized construction, technological advances, etc. 景琪公司在工程施工质量、安全生产、文明施工、技术进步等方面均取得了显著成绩。
How to control digital resources construction quality becomes one of the important problems of university library. 如何对数字资源建设进行质量监管成为图书馆面临的一个重要问题。
This paper summarizes the characteristics of Dalian Port Ore Terminal engineering design and construction management, and puts forward beneficial measures including laying stress on key technology, strengthening planned management, enhancing execution and guaranteeing construction quality, etc. 摘要总结大连港矿石码头工程设计和建设管理中的特点,提出了抓关键技术、强化计划管理、增强执行力、确保施工质量等有益的措施。
Steel building construction project is a very important sub-project, the construction quality of a direct impact on the accuracy and safety of the structure. 钢筋工程是房屋建筑工程中一个非常重要的分项工程,其施工的正确性和质量好坏直接影响结构的安全。
In combination with years of construction management practices, and construction quality management were discussed. 文章结合多年的建筑工程管理实践,对建筑施工质量管理进行了探讨。